PLANTING: Start seeds in early April or 8 weeks before transplanting outdoors. Place seeds in Jiffy 7’s or in flats with insert with a good soil substitute, like Berger BM-2. Plants seeds 1/4″ deep.
Germinate at 80F until emerge. After emerge, reduce temperature to 70F. Transplant outdoors after all danger of frost is past & soil has warmed up. Space plants 18-20″ apart in row.  Control insects with insecticide. Hi-yield Garden & pet dust works fine in a garden for this. HARVEST: Clip fruit stem with a knife or small pruning shear when desired size is reached. Pick regularly to encourage future fruit set
We also have started plants ready about mid April. Treat the same as Tomatoes and peppers protect from frost. 99¢ per 4 pack Sorry but plants do not ship.