Yellow Doll F1 Seeded Watermelon
70 days. Hybrid icebox type with a crisp, sweet yellow flesh. Oval shape, medium green with dark green stripes. Thin, tender rind.
Approximately 200 seeds per oz. CULTURE: In early summer, till soil. Sow 2-3 seeds, 1/2-1″ deep, 18-24″ apart in a row spacing of 4-5′.
After emerge, thin to 1 healthy plant per hill. Keep soil moist and weed free. Seeds can also be started indoors in Pro-trays or similar pots.
Place 2 seeds per pot. Germinate at 75-80F. Transplant outdoors after plants have 3 true leaves. You will need 3,500 to 4,000 plants per
acre. HARVEST: Now here the fun begins!! There are 3 ways to tell when your watermelon is ripe: 1) tendril nearest point of vine where fruit
stem attaches is browning, 2) Spot where fruit rests on ground has turned yellow, 3) The classic mystery you hear PLUNK ” verses ” PLINK or
PLANK ” when you flick your finger. You will need 1 oz. of seed per 100′ of row or 1-2 lb. per acre.
30 seeds per packet
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